Find professional royalty free stock photos, videos and sounds one click away.

We provide the following royalty free stock




Discover what we have to offer!

Copyright Free Images

Copyright Free Music + Video Footage

Welcome to Filmaroid, the source for instant royalty free stock content for all your creative projects!

Filmaroid offers a wide range of images, video footage and audio carefully curated and aimed at customers searching for distinct and special material to use in their ads, social media, art, soundtracks, performances, films, video, music and other creative projects. We are a growing community of independent and freelance artists with the sole purpose of sharing our creations to help empower the work of others. Filmaroid does not run like other typical stock content sites (no monthly or yearly plans) and we focus on delivering just the right content you need, without having to register or become a member. Simply, find the content you need, pay for it and you will receive an email shortly with access to download the content. You can securely pay through PayPal and your credit card information will be handled exclusively by their system. We will only require your name and email address to send you the link to download the content you buy.

We invite you to browse our image, video and audio categories for the content you need. Do note hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require further assistance. We thank you for your visit and appreciate your business!

Recent Stock Photo Categories

  • 70s vintage headphones and cable black background - A collection of stock photos about Technology


  • Hamsa hand closed eye vector illustration - A collection of stock vector illustrations


  • Sunny valley mountain tops - A collection of stock photos about Landscapes


  • Watercolor splatters background - A collection of stock photos with diverse backgrounds


  • Snowy christmas pine tree illustration decorated with star and balls - A collection of stock photos covering different Holidays

    Special Holidays

  • Human rib cage and heart neon effect black background - A collection of stock photos about the Odd and Bizarre


  • Yellow lily on grass - A collection of stock photos about beautiful and exotic Flowers


  • Vintage film grain light leak left sprocket - A collection of stock photos of Film Grain Scans

    Film Grain

  • Dove standing on edge wall - A collection of stock photos about Animals


  • Bubble wrap texture - A collection of stock photos about different Textures


  • Paris st michel - A collection of stock photos from the City of Light and Love - Paris

    I Love You Paris

  • Cargo ship at coast - A collection of stock photos about Travel


  • Blue sky vltava river - A collection of stock photos covering skies and clouds


Recent Stock Video Categories

  • 4k footage of vintage world globe spinning and stopping on europe and the mediterranean region - A collection of stock footage for backgrounds

    Background Video

  • Fog falling down mountains - A collection of stock footage about Nature


  • Vitruvian man medium closeup - A collection of stock footage of bizarre and odd events

    Bizarre footage

  • Set of colombian tamales being cooked in boiling water with lots of steam - A collection of stock footage about Food


  • 8mm footage of classic beautiful gardens with bridges and multiple fountains - A collection of stock footage about People


Recent Stock Sound Categories

  • Supermarket ambience with cashier scan beep people talking and plastic bag noise - A collection of stock ambience sounds from Interiors


  • Mixed feelings music loop - A collection of royalty free music loops

    Music loops

  • Nature waterfall lots of splashing on rocks - A collection of stock sounds from Nature

    Nature Sounds

  • Traffic passing by in suburban street exteriors - A collection of stock ambience sounds from Exteriors


  • Footsteps on hardwood floor slow pace - A collection of stock sounds produced by Humans

    Human Sounds

  • Nightmare night horror sounds - A collection of stock horror sounds

    Horror Sounds

  • Refrigerator engine humming industrial - A collection of stock sounds produced by the Industrial Age


  • Radio noise sound effects - A collection of royalty free sound effects

    Sound Effects

What should I look for when searching for stock photos, videos and sounds?

One of the best ways for branding your business is through the use of professional visuals (images and video) and the power of sound. By using great media you can convey the feeling you want your customers to identify with when it comes to your brand. Stock content is there to serve you for this purpose. But... do you really want to follow the flow and pay for generic and unrealistic content widely used by millions of people worldwide? Empower the customers' first impression of your business and stand out from your competitors by using unconventional stock content especially curated to boost your creativity. Filmaroid is your number one source for stock that doesn't feel like stock and whenever you search for any of the following terms:

  1. Royalty free music loops

  2. Copyright free images

  3. Copyright free footage

  4. Royalty free sounds

  5. Stock background images

  6. Background video

  7. Film grain overlay

  8. Royalty free music

  9. Sound effects

  10. High res audio

  11. 4k video footage

  12. Professional stock photos

  13. Copyright free music

  14. Copyright free audio
